

12 Uppsatser om Angus McLaren - Sida 1 av 1

Från Doktorns spalt till Så får du hetare sex! - en studie om framställningen av sexualsynen i tidskriften Vecko-Revyn 1955-2005

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om sexualsynen i Vecko-Revyn under perioden 1955-2005 följer samma förändring som har inträffat i sexualsynen i samhället enligt en för studien sammansatt analysmodell. Med hjälp av den hermeneutiska metoden har källmaterialet, som består av artiklar och spalter från Vecko-Revyn från 1955-2005, analyserats. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten består Lennerheds, Sandströms, Bergenheims och McLarens teoretiska skildringar av sexualsynen, vilka är sammansatta i en för studien aktuell analysmodell. Slutsatsen visar att Vecko-Revyns sexualsyn följde förändringen i samhällets sexualsyn i olika grad under de olika decennierna. Den mångfasetterade bilden av Vecko-Revyns sexualsyn som framträder i det undersökta materialet visar att Vecko-Revyns åsikter i vissa fall var mer liberala än samhällets medan de i andra fall var mer konservativa.

Emerging church : en missionerande gemenskap i en postmodern tid

The main discussion in this essay concern what the Emerging Church is, its sociological and theological context, their main critique of modernism and the consequences in theology and praxis. EC is not a new church but wants to be a new way of being church. In England much of the discussion concerning EC has found a context within the report Mission-Shaped Church (MSC). EC differs from Emergent Village which is a continuing discussion from a postmodern philosophical view.EC is born in an evangelical context with the tensions in the postmodern context, the liminal situation with among other items the disussion about a liquid culture and liquid church. Other backgroundfactors are the ChurchGrowth-movement, Willow Creek and the Gospel and Our Culture.EC critisizes its evangelical background and moves the center from justification to incarnation, from propostionalism, individualism, mission and activism to a theology of incarnational community life.Four different proponents are considered; Brian Mclaren, Dan Kimball, Karen Ward and Ben Edson.

Kalvningsintervall hos svenska köttkor : finns det genetisk variation som kan användas i avelsarbetet?

The Swedish beef cattle population is growing when the dairy cattle become fewer. The fertility of the beef cows is important for the profitability in beef cattle production. Today there is no genetic evaluation for female fertility in Swedish beef cows. The purpose of this study was to see if calving interval can be used in the genetic evaluation as a measure of female fertility in beef cows. For this purpose the variation in calving interval for beef cows of different breeds and ages registred in KAP was studied.

Genomisk selektion inom köttraser

Genomic selection (GS) is used for selection of breeding animals of dairy cattle. GS is though not as extensively used within the beef industry. One reason for that is the low accuracy (rTI) of the breeding value that is of great importance for the final genetic gain. Causes to the low accuracy are high effective population size, a small reference population and a genetically differentiated population. There is however a market for genomic selection with High Density (HD) tests for beef cattle.

Klövform och klövsjukdomar hos intensivt uppfödda köttrastjurar :

The top selection of Swedish beef bulls are evaluated yearly by Svensk Köttrasprövning AB at Gismestad. The bulls are selected from six different breeds; Angus, Blonde d´Aquitaine, Charolais, Hereford, Limousin and Simmental, and are kept on straw bedding apart from a concrete alley in front of the feeding area during the six months of evaluation period. The bulls are evaluated according to their fertility scores, growth, exterior and temperament and the exterior, body posture and claw conformation reflect important qualities for their longevity. In spite of good values for fertility, it has been noticed in the last years that the fertility results and longevity have been unsatisfactory and claw and/or bone disorders have been suspected as a contributory cause. Persson et al. (2007) studied breeding bulls from Gismestad and other places, which had been slaughtered due to poor fertility (no pregnancies in the herd during their last year in service).

Optimal användning av köttrassemin i svenska mjölkkobesättningar

Inom den svenska mjölkbranschen är användandet av köttrassemin i mjölkkobesättningar ett hett diskussionsämne för tillfället. Mjölkpriset är lågt och det sänker priset på dräktiga kvigor. Besättningar med god hälsa har lägre rekryteringsbehov och behöver inte alla sina kvigor för att upprätthålla koantalet och har nu svårt att sälja sina överskottskvigor. Med en kärv livdjursmarknad, tyngd ekonomi och växande besättningar borde köttrassemin bli ett alltmer attraktivt komplement i avelsplaneringen. Uppsatsen kommer att kretsa kring hur man optimalt kan använda köttrassemin i svenska mjölkbesättningar.

Att genom fiktion skildra en verklighet : En kvalitativ studie i hur maktstruktrurer beskrivs i BBC:s tv-serie The Hour

The objective of this study was to investigate how power relationships between journalists and politicians were shown in the fictional BBC tv-series ?The Hour?. We wanted to investigate how these power structures is narrated by the producers of the series and what impact the narration could have to the audiance of the 21th century.We choose to analyse a total of 12 scenes from all of the six episodes, which are all set in Britain during the beginning of the Suez Canal crisis in the 1950?s, all seen from a BBC editorial point of view.In our analysis we chose to use two different kind of methods, the first one was a situation analysis and the second one a text analysis. The situation method was useful to get a perception of the relations between the participants .The text analysis we used to analyse what was said in the tv-series and to interpret underlying motives.The fictional form necessitated a personalization of power structures, in the sense that each and every power was represented by a single character; political power was for instance represented by the character of Angus McCain.

New registrations in Swedish beef cattle breeding - with focus on temperament and cow weight

In today?s genetic evaluation of Swedish beef cattle, mainly traits that are directly related to productivity are measured. However, other traits, such as temperament and mature cow weight affect the economy of the farmer, as well as the welfare of the animals. This thesis evaluates possible ways of measuring new traits, with focus on temperament and mature weight of suckler cows. The goal is to examine the possible benefits of including these traits in the Swedish breeding scheme.

Nötköttsproduktion i Västerbotten

Beef production in Sweden has traditionally been about rearing of dairy calves to slaughter. With reduced number of dairy cows and accordingly less dairy calves for slaughter, there has been a need for new forms of beef production in Sweden. In Västerbotten there are good conditions for beef production with a high feeding level of roughage due to favourable climate. The aim of this thesis is to, through interviews with ten farmers with beef production in Västerbotten, study what and with how much they feed their animals and link the results to production level. The thesis begins with a literature review where the general feeding standards and feeding recommendations for beef cows and growing cattle are examined.

Andrologisk undersökning av unga individprövade köttrastjurar : med särskilt fokus på pungomkrets

I Sverige ser vi idag ett ökat intresse för uppfödning av köttrasdjur. Då de flesta av hondjuren går med tjur för naturlig betäckning, är det av stor betydelse att välja en frisk, högfertil tjur för att få god reproduktion och avkastning i besättningen. För att undersöka tjurens potentiella fertilitet görs en så kallad Bull Breeding Soundness Evaluation, där bland annat mätning av pungomkrets ingår. Mätning av pungomkretsen används som ett indirekt mått på testiklarnas spermieproducerande förmåga.Syftet med studien var att undersöka om pungomkretsen hos de köttrastjurar som individprövas vid prövningsstationen i Gismestad har förändrats under årens lopp.Totalt 1332 tjurar från fyra av de vanligaste köttraserna i Sverige (Angus, Charolais, Hereford och Simmental) från 13 prövningsomgångar under åren 1997-2010 ingick i studien. Journalanteckningar från slutbesiktningen av tjurarna sammanställdes och analyserades.Resultatet visade att pungomkretsen i medeltal var 34,7 cm för samtliga tjurar oavsett ras eller ålder, vilket är väl över de fastställda minimigränser som används vid prövningsstationen.

Utnyttjandet av ligghallar hos dikor och kvigor av köttras under vintern :

Cattle used for meat production can be held outside all year round and due to the legislation they should have access to shelters or other buildings for protection against the elements giving them a dry and clean bedding. There are different opinions concerning their need of protection and the question about necessity of shelters for cattle is of current interest due to a less profitable economy in meat production and the investment costs for shelters. The aim of this study was to acquire more knowledge about the natural behaviour of cattle concerning their use of shelters. The basis of the study was a series of questions regarding when animals choose to stay in shelters, if shelters were used less when they had access to protecting vegetation, how temperature and weather conditions affected the use of shelters and the influence of distance between shelter and feed. Behavioural studies was conducted at five different farms where six groups of suckler cows and heifers of following breeds and crossbreeds were observed; Aberdeen Angus, Charolais, Hereford, Scottish Highland Cattle, Simmental and the Swedish breeds SKB and SRB.

Kokvigeproduktion baserad på köttraser : en fältstudie

Most of the beef production in Sweden has been integrated with milk production. Since the 1990:s, the number of dairy cows has decreased. A specialised beef production has developed in purpose to compensate for this decrease. The consumption of beef have increased in the last decade, but the Swedish production has no followed this trend. In 2004, the percentage of beef self-sufficiency in Sweden was 60 %.